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IPC 2614

PC 2614 2010-MAR-01 Sectonal Requrements for Board Fabrcaton Documentaton

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This standard establishes the requirements for the documentation of printed circuit board fabrication, and identifies the physical attributes and performance requirements of the unpopulated product. The descriptions apply to rigid, flexible, inorganic substrates or any combination thereof. The construction may be single, double, multilayered, or HDI technology and may include embedded (integrated) components. The requirements pertain to both hard copy and electronic data descriptions.


The purpose of the IPC-2614 is to establish a consistent methodology for the descriptions that are transferred from the Design function to the Board fabricators. Included are the physical characteristics as well as the accept/reject criteria governing the quality of the delivered product. Some techniques will be identified as mandatory information in order to avoid ambiguity; other methods may be shown as a recommendation in order to establish consistent communication between design and manufacturing functions

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