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IPC 1730A

PC 1730A 2000-JUN-01 Lamnator Qualfcaton Profle

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This Laminator Qualification Profile (LQP) isn't intended to satisfy all of the customer's requirements, however conscientious maintenance of this document and/or registration to ISO 9000 requirements should satisfy the major concerns. Thus, audits should be simpler, required less frequently, and facilitate less paperwork, as vendors and suppliers work together to meeting each other's needs.

CONTENTS This document divides the LQP into six sections. The laminator completing the LQP should ensure each section is dated and maintained as a separate entity.

These sections cover:

Site, facility, and distributor descriptions (see Section 3).

Description of products manufactured at the site (see Section 4).

Approvals and certifications from third party organizations (see Section 5).

of total quality management (TQM) in place or being implemented at the facility (see Section 6).

How to Use this LQP The LQP can be used for single or multiple sites or locations. Information about the overall company is helpful in establishing the relationship of the existing site(s) to the total company. The first page of Section 3 is intended to convey this information. The remainder of the LQP is devoted to information about existing site(s).

The laminate manufacturer should keep all sections current. In the initial contact between the manufacturer and a new customer, an abbreviated LQP may suffice (site description from Section 3 and Section 4). The remaining sections of the LQP provide details of the site manufacturing capability and the quality principles that have been incorporated into the systems used to manufacture products. This information is useful for assessing where the organization stands on implementing quality and technology. The same data also help the customer in determining how well the manufacturer's capability matches the their needs.

LQP Electronic Editing This MS Word template comes with editable fields. IPC has made this electronic document available for ease of completing, updating, and filing the LQP, as well as to give the laminate manufacturer and customer a common interface. Using the template enables laminate manufacturers to maintain several customer specific files without the endless stream of paperwork.

Editable fields are highlighted in gray. To complete the fields in the template, use the TAB key to toggle from field to field, entering the information as instructed in the introductory text for each section.

The developers of this LQP strongly suggest the person at the laminate manufacturing facility responsible for creating and maintaining the LQP write protect the file to be sent.

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