AATCC 150 2010-JAN-01 Dmensonal Changes of Garments after Home Launderng
Purpose and Scope
This test method is for the determination of dimensional changes of garments when subjected to home laundering procedures used by consumers. Four washing temperatures, three agitation cycles, two rinse temperatures and four drying procedures cover the common home care options available to consumers using current laundering machines.
The dimensional changes of garments subjected to home laundering care procedures are measured using benchmarks placed on designated areas of the garments. Measured dimensional changes may be affected by garment construction, tensions, sewing threads or trims in addition to fabric dimensional change.
As an optional procedure, fabric dimensional changes may be determined by using benchmarks placed on the fabric in areas of the garment that contains no seams or sewing.
This method may not be applicable for garments made of certain stretch fabrics.
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