SAE J2831
SAE J2831 2012-APR-01 Development of Desgn and Engneerng Recommendatons for n-Vehcle Alphanumerc Messages
SAE J2831 2012-APR-01 Development of Desgn and Engneerng Recommendatons for n-Vehcle Alphanumerc Messages
This Information Report provides recommendations for alphanumeric messages that are supplied to the vehicle by external (e.g., RDS, satellite radio) or internal (e.g., infotainment system) sources while the vehicle is in-motion. Information/design recommendations contained in this report apply to OEM (embedded) and aftermarket systems.
Ergonomic issues with regard to display characteristics (e.g., viewing angle, brightness, contrast, font design, etc.) should review ISO 15008.