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Clearances specified in API STD 650 PDF for the safety parts are maintained during normal operation. The auxiliary safety plank shall be so designed that the maximum stresses in the plank shall not exceed those specified for similar car-frame members in 2.15. The rail-gripping device of the auxil- iary safety plank shall be so arranged and API STD 650 PDF connected as to prevent the plank from being out of level more than 13 mm (0.5 in.) in the length of the plank when the safety is operated to stop the car.

An electric switch shall be provided and so arranged and connected that the elevator cannot be operated by means of the normal operating device if any buffer is compressed more than 10% of its stroke (see Means shall be provided to prevent operation of the elevator by means of the normal operating device if the oil level in buffer is below the minimum level (see 2.17.9 Application and Release of Safeties Means of Application. Safeties shall be applied mechanically. Electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic devices shall not be used to apply the safeties required by 2.17, nor to hold such safeties in the retracted position. sufficient force to take up all clearances in the guide- shoe assembly.

Safety jaws,API STD 650 PDF while in the retracted posi- tion, shall be so restrained as to prevent a reduction of this minimum clearance. 2.17.11 Maximum Permissible Movement of Governor Rope to Operate the Safety Mechanism For all Type B safeties, the movement of the governor rope, relative to the car or the counterweight, respec- tively, required to operate the safety mechanism from its fully retracted position to a position where the safety jaws begin to exert pressure against the guide rai.
