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About ASME A17.1 -2010 PDF

When overspeed occurs, with the hoisting rope intact,such safeties shall be actuated by the governor.On the parting of the hoisting ropes (free fall), Type Agovernor-operated safeties shall apply without appre-ciable delay, and their application shall be independentof the speed action of the governor and of the locationof the break in the hoisting ropes (inertia application),ASME A17.1 -2010 PDF and shall be permitted to be accomplished by the useof a governor and governor rigging having a sufficientlyhigh value of inertia to apply the safety on free fallindependently of the speed action of the governor (see8.10 for inertia-application test of car safety). Type C (Combination Instantaneous and Oil-Buffer Safety). Type C safeties shall be permitted sub-ject to the requirements of through The rated speed shall be not more than2.5 m/s (500 ft/min).

the stroke shall be based on governor tripping speedand on an average retardation not exceeding 9.81 m/s2(32.2 ft/s2). After the buffer stroke, as defined in2., has been completed, provision shall be madefor an additional travel of the plunger or piston of notless than 10% of the buffer stroke, to prevent excessiveimpact on the buffer parts and the auxiliary safety plank. Where the distance between guiderails exceeds 2 450 mm (96 in.), the safety shall be pro-vided with two oil buffers of substantially identical cali-bration, and the buffers shall be so located as to developminimum stresses.
